First ReactionWhen you are delivering a workshop or lecture to students and they are not listening to you. I mean they are talking with each other slowly, some noises coming from middle and the end of the hall. The first reaction you have is anger. Next you can also feel pity thinking they are not worthy of what is being delivered.
Alternate ThinkingOne second thought on this topic can be is my material really interesting and relevant to them? It might happen that they are in a different mindset and need to be neutralized first. Recently while conducting one lecture in a camp I found that the students are restless. Continuing the regular material has become useless. I took a different path. I asked them whether they are searching for something which has been lost amongst them. They replied NO. Then I inquired about the session, whether it was bore and uninteresting, and I received silence in answer. That was quite clear an answer. This was a signal for me to prepare more. Study more so I can make my lectures and workshops more interesting.
Conclusion and LessonI concluded at the end that my lecture was not effective. I need to make my lectures effective if I want to convey some message through the session. This way their time as well as my time is saved.